Stats and Finances
Community Foundation of Lorain County by the Numbers
The Community Foundation of Lorain County is built on a promise to promote philanthropy, to invest in our community, to wisely protect that investment, to use the fruits of our investment to improve the quality of life, and to provide leadership in our journey toward the future.
in Assets
Fiscal Year 2023
Annual Grants
& Scholarships
10 Year Return
on Investment
Accredited by the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations
In 2005, the Community Foundation of Lorain County became the first community foundation to be accredited by the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations. The accreditation seal affirms that we continue to meet and exceed federal and state law requirements in practice and by policy.
Financial Reporting
Our finance team and Investment Committee work extremely hard to preserve the portfolio’s purchasing power through asset growth in excess of the spending policy plus the rate of inflation. They continually strategically invest assets in order to maximize long-term growth of capital without undue exposure to risk.
Independent Auditor’s Report and Financial Statement
Foundation Facts Disclosure Sheet and Investment Policy Summary